Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio.

Personal Projects

Messaging App Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio Messaging App
A real-time chat application. Featuring secure, responsive, and scalable architecture for seamless experiences.

Tech Stacks: ReactJS ,Tailwind CSS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Socket.io
Weather App Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio Local Weather App

A weather app that displays the current temperature and weather condition for a specific city using OpenWeathermap API.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, ReactJS
ToDo Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio ToDo App

A ToDo App that lets user add their daily schedule, mark completed, edit and delete as necessary

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS
Palindrome Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio Palindrome Checker

A simple palindrome checker made using React.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS
Tic Tac Toe Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio Tic-Tac-Toe Game

This is an app which uses computer artificial intelligence to defeat the user in a tic-tac-toe game. It uses ReactJS Framework.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS
Drum Project Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio Drum Machine

A web app that allows users to make sounds by clicking or pressing keys on their keyboards.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS
Pomodoro Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio 25 + 5 Clock (Pomodoro)

An implementation of the Pomodoro technique for time management.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Random Quote Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio Random Quote Machine

Generates random quotes from a large array of quotes.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Markdown Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo PortfolioReact Markdown Previewer

A simple markdown previewer built with create-react-app libraries.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS
Calculator Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo PortfolioJavaScript calculator

A basic calculator built with JavaScript

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Pricing Card Responsive Preview - Sulaiman Adejumo Portfolio Pricing Card

This is a simple pricing card project. It uses ReactJS Framework.

Tech Stacks: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS

About Me

Hey there! I'm Sulaiman Adejumo, a passionate web developer and problem-solving enthusiast. When I'm not coding, you'll likely find me strategizing on a chessboard or diving into new challenges.

With a background in Mechatronics Engineering, I love bringing ideas to life through web development. From React to Node.js, I thrive on turning concepts into reality and finding creative solutions to complex problems.

But it's not all work! I enjoy exploring nature, reading, and keeping up with the latest tech trends in my downtime. Whether you need a website built or just want to chat about chess, I'm here to help๐Ÿ˜‰.

Thanks for visiting, and let's create something amazing together! ๐Ÿš€

Technologies Used



















Badges & Certifications

Contact Me

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